

An almost perfect qualifying, a top three finish in Race 1, and lots of good points for the championship. After his perfect win in Barcelona, Giuliano Alesi impressed on home soil as well in Le Castellet and continued his campaign for the GP3 title against the ART drivers.
How would you summarize your weekend?
I would say it was a very positive weekend. I managed to do a good qualifying, I was even going for pole, but made a small mistake that cost me a bit. Other than that it was very good – the best qualifying I have had in GP3 so far. Race 1 was also good, because I managed to finish in the top three. I lost a position to Mazepin, but there was nothing I could do, because he was able to use his DRS. In Race 2 I just did what I had to do, finishing in the points in 6th place, so all in all it was a very positive weekend, because we scored solid points for the championship.

You mentioned that it was your best qualifying so far. What was your secret this time?
Yes, indeed it was my best qualifying. There is no secret, I just went on the track, I knew what I had to do and tried to deliver the best I could by just pushing and remembering the things we analyzed with my engineers the days before. It was a matter of putting everything together rather than a secret. I look forward to repeat that in the following races.

How did you feel when you realized on Saturday evening that after Boccolacci's disqualification you've been promoted to P3 in Race 1?
I felt good, because in the end I finished P3, but the decision came a bit late, so I couldn't stand on the podium seeing my team and the French flags – it's a bit sad. It was my first top three finish in Race 1, and I'm definitely looking forward to moments like this in the future. I feel sorry for Dorian, because he deserved the win, but in racing you just have to accept that these things happen.

The French Grand Prix weekend was like a real fiesta, spectators were so enthusiastic. Were you surprised how passionate the crowd was?
To be honest I wasn't expecting that much people so early in the morning! The grandstands were almost full already by the GP3 races, and it felt really good, because I saw a lot of French flags. After the race I waved to the crowd and they waved me back – they were so enthusiastic! It was definitely an amazing feeling to drive in France, and I'm really looking forward to driving here again next year.

We have just a few days until Austria. How will you prepare for Spielberg and what kind of result do you expect there?
My expectation for Austria is to being able to exploit my potential 100 percent, and to do everything I can, so leave no stone unturned. I would like to do the perfect lap and achieve great results. My main focus is to drive well, to just do what I'm able to do and optimize my performance.