
AI how to convert a threat into an opportunity for mankind

Artificial intelligence being an instrument for progress has become integral part in our everyday life. But fast developing of technologies, robots raise a lot of question about morals, ethics, underlining the importance to feel the border not to cross and stay human first.
The moderator: Priya Samant. Speakers: Dr. Farhan Matoog S. Alfarhan, Igor Data, Hongjie Liu, Matthew Harvey Sanders, Dr. Claude Béglé, Philip Larrey.
Dr. Farhan Matoog S. Alfarhan, Geopolitical Analysts - Saudi Arabia, Bern, Switzerland mentions G-20 summit in Saudi Arabia where the main element of the target is digital economy. With the come of fintech, cryptocurrency and other technologies, there should be strong security to keep away from the threat. Dr. Farhan states there are all modern technologies and skills in the country now. The only thing left is to find trusted partners in this area such as Switzerland to transfer the technologies and to build know-how within the country. He agrees with Phillip Larrey on the statement that people must not make IT and AI to become unlimited with morals and principles. We can use AI in every sphere of our lives but cannot come across the barrier where it interferes with nature. Some countries might want to over the limitation of ethics, religion, but they will get it back in a bad way.

Igor Data, CDO, Integral Petroleum SA, Geneva, Switzerland in his speech focuses on AI and how it is used in the company. It is mostly implemented for payments security and in research in anti-money laundering projects. Companies can do everything until it is restricted by the law. If we want to have AI and humanity merged and get some breakthrough, we need to have strict genetic modification, which is not possible now.

Hongjie Liu, Cofounder of Reexen Dr. sc. ETH, Zurich, Switzerland points to the different spheres that men and women chose for AI developing. The projects she works at in AI are focused on environment using cheaper hardware and consuming less energy, on safety and security on areas and plant with dangerous working conditions. The speaker thinks that it is up to government and private companies to regulate AI, how it is used and developed.

Matthew Harvey Sanders, CEO states the mission they work on is to accelerate human flourishing. He refers to AI as to a tool and mentions two important components -understanding that all human beings realize their potential and flourish. The second one is to bring together stakeholders from different sectors and the spheres of companies or of the country that are not flourishing and improve it. He believes that companies should focus on resources and assets that they own to advance humanity.

Dr. Claude Béglé, Former member Swiss Federal Parliament, Executive Chairman, SymbioSwiss underlines the importance of algorism that would rule our lives to introduce some moral values, some non-efficiency driven components. People can do a lot for efficiency. The speaker mentions Taiwan as the place with an interesting and efficient digital system in health sphere that contains all data about the patient and has predictive analytics. Dr. Claude believes that we need to find the correct equation between the methodology and the well-being of the people. AI can help to improve the way how each of us can contribute to the society through a track and trace combining values elements in order to have more ethical life.

If we want to save the planet, we need to think on the way how to have less pressure on non-renewable materials and how it can be reused. Speaking about AI, Dr. Claude believes that it is vital to define the complementarity between our rational and emotional approaches and what could be the immortal part. The important question is how to segregate the rational part, our morals, ethics from the feelings of interconnection to God. AI should help progressing in this field to divide essential things from less important.

Philip Larrey, Chair of Logic and Epistemology, Author of "Connected World" & "Artificial Humanity", Vatican City State (Holy See) defines AI from philosophical point of view as the series of algorithm that use logical calculations to achieve certain goals. Logical calculations are just a part of human intelligence, but not the whole. Nowadays everyone uses AI to a certain degree, using computers, in medicine, in military etc. As long as AI is used to enhance what people are, it has a huge benefit for humanity. At the same time, it can be used to destroy and enslave ourselves. To understand the relations between AI and human beings, we need to look at the body as at one having spiritual dimension. The second aspect Philip discuses is immortality. A lot of health projects are funded to increase our life span. At the same time, it can be used to upload consciousness into a digital device so as what is most meaningful for us -desires, passion, thought and memories can make us immortal. From catholic point of view immortality cannot be achieved through digital technologies because it is not God's plan. However, Philip sticks to the optimistic thought that AI will be used to enhance the humanity.

Philip asks to keep AI centered in human person. It will not destroy people unless we want.

Answering the question Claude states when AI is at the service of human, it is fine. But when human has to adapt to AI, it is crossing the border. We should research how we can change our minds not to use AI on ego purposes, but for understanding other cultures and for interacting with humans.

The moderator: Priya Samant. Speakers: Dr. Farhan Matoog S. Alfarhan, Igor Data, Hongjie Liu, Matthew Harvey Sanders, Dr. Claude Béglé, Philip Larrey.