
Future path for globalization and digitalization

Modern technologies, blockchain, cryptocurrency are widely used concepts during money remittance and international transactions in business nowadays, but not clear enough about its standardization. The processes of globalization and digitalization with their pros and cons inevitably touch important topics such as regulatory framework, standards, and security.
Speakers: Melanie Mohr, Igor Data, Oleg Soloviev, Geo Murickan.
Melanie Mohr, Founder, CEO WOM Protocol, Germany is engaged in blockchain technologies, underlining the challenges in regulatory frameworks. In Melanie Mohr mind, modern teenagers are driving force for digitalization nowadays. Entrepreneurs can invest in interesting projects of any country such as Zimbabwe that several years ago seemed impossible. Government should understand this and develop appropriate regulations. The speaker believes that the driving force for the development in digital sphere is education, as the example she refers to South Korea where the level of it is remarkably high.

Melanie supposes during the next decades we will face the battle between centralized and decentralized systems. There will be a battle between the ones who would like to keep the power in centralized manner and the ones to keep the beauty for humanity in autonomous systems. The example is bitcoin that every country tried to take down. Melanie strongly belies that modern teen generation that actively uses digital technologies and social media will bring digitalization, globalization, and decentralization forward.

Igor Data, CDO, Integral Petroleum SA, Geneva, Switzerland points to the will of government that makes the borders even thicker that impede international business and digital solutions. There is a plenty of different formats and laws now that limit interconnectivity between countries. Some government standards are incompatible. Speaking about globalization it has both negative and positive effect depending on objects-consumers or producers. Borders here are made for protection local people and work force. Every country should adopt technologies to protect the economy. Igor supposes that war will never disappear from the world, but can move to virtual world where it will not have dramatic consequences as it had before.

Oleg Soloviev, CEO, Econophysica Group, London, United Kingdom reminds the audience how laws were changing in the sphere of international business. He believes there will be a period when national interests and protectionism will prevail globalization. Regulations will play a crucial role in adoption of digital technologies. There are winners and losers from the Globalization. Oleg has a bit pessimistic opinion mentioning bad times that are about to come. Countries will put even more barriers and create obstacles to develop their own digital technologies.

Geo Murickan, CEO & Founder, Trans Innovation IoT mentions regulatory challenges that usually come with the digitalization. Creating global citizenship, quick business transactions and levering regulatory landscape are the topics to be raised on political level. If we want to continue this globalization we have to come up with the right platform where every country can store encrypted data. Here he mentions China that allows individuals keep and share personal data. Geo believes if we bring together the best technologies from all the countries, we will make the platform that people could use. He hopes that one day a kid from any remote area using a smartphone could come up with the concept and have it built in another country where any consumer could use it.

Speakers: Melanie Mohr, Igor Data, Oleg Soloviev, Geo Murickan.